Classic Game Fest and Alamo City Furry Invasion

It’s been awhile…

So Classic Game Fest, my Nightwings took second. Not putting them in the gallery since they were a quick-and-dirty job, but they were a fun build. Masks are eva foam, clothing is all spandex to match the cur outfit, which was my first spandex bodysuit. I wouldn’t mind putting in more time to finish the costumes right, but I think these are more than likely going to be shelved for the foreseeable future.

In the meanwhile Alamo City Furry Invasion is coming up. I’ll be adding to my dragon costume. Priorities are wing repair and improvement, hands, feet, bodysuit, in that order. I’ll also be hosting a panel on making scales. It’ll be my first panel, so I’m rather excited.

I’ve also got a commission going on, updates on that in my social media. I’ll talk more about that here after ACFI.